Kurds and women top Turkish PM reform plans

'This is a historic moment, an important stage,' Erdogan told a press conference on Monday [AP]

‘This is a historic moment, an important stage,’ Erdogan told a press conference on Monday [AP]

“Turkish Prime Minister has announced a package of proposals that include lifting of some restrictions on the use of the Kurdish language, as well as further steps to liberalise the wearing of Islamic headscarves.

“Recep Tayyip Erdogan said rules preventing pro-Kurdish and other smaller parties from entering parliament would be changed, while Kurdish-language education would be permitted in private schools.

“Kurdish names can be restored to towns in Turkey and a ban on Kurdish letters will be lifted, he said.

“A ban on women wearing headscarves in public institutions will also be lifted, he said.

“‘This is a historic moment, an important stage,’ Erdogan told a press conference on Monday.”

Aljazeera reports on the increased religious freedoms granted minority Kurds intended to jumpstart Turkey’s stalled peace process.


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