Photo Credit: Juliet Muir

The Modern Revival of the Ancient Hellenic Religion and Philosophy

BY : Juliet Muir

Hellenismos is a contemporary revival movement of the ancient Greek polytheistic religion and culture. Followers celebrate the ancient gods, culture and philosophy.

READ MORE / USC StorySpace

Photo Credit: Priyadarshini Sen/GroundTruth

The Meaning of a Mosque: Muslims in Athens Await Official Place of Worship After Centuries Underground

BY : Priyadarshini Sen

After years of praying underground and in other hidden worship sites, Muslims in Athens eagerly await the opening of the city's first official mosque.

READ MORE / GroundTruth Project

Photo Credit: Lauren Day and Catherine Clark

This Woman Planned to Spend 45 Days in Greece, But She Stayed for Nearly a Year to Help Refugees

BY : Lauren Day and Catherine Clark

An American Mormon goes to Greece for a short-term volunteer stint and ends up running a refugee camp in Athens.

READ MORE / Annenberg Media

Photo Credit: Renee Gross

The Rescued Jewish tombstones of Thessaloniki

BY : Renee Gross

Jews in Thessaloniki rescue tombstones that were scattered when Nazis destroyed their cemetery; used for construction projects, the fragments find a resting place in a new Jewish burial site.

READ MORE / Public Radio International