Sarah Posner is a senior staff writer at Religion Dispatches and author of God's Profits: Faith, Fraud, and the Republican Crusade for Values Voters (PoliPoint 2008). Her investigative journalism and commentary on religion and politics have appeared in The Washington Post, The Daily Beast, The Guardian, The Nation, The American Prospect, Salon and many other publications.
Posner explores a growing charismatic global prayer movement, its end-times theology, ties to Messianic Judaism, and the American political scene. She reports on the underground world of Israelis, intertwined with American charismatic Christians, who believe that Israel's Jews must come to Jesus in order to fulfill what they believe is biblical prophecy of Christ's return as well as on the development and global ambitions of this self-described "apostolic" and "prophetic" movement in the United States, and in particular how its leaders believe, through round-the-clock prayer they say emulates that of the biblical King David's temple, they are training an elite army of prayer warriors to bring about Christ's return.